Sunday, September 11, 2011

Paul Crouch Jr., Honored to Host Harvest Crusade at Dodger Stadium with Pastor Greg Laurie

Paul Crouch Jr., confirmed that the network will be airing "The 'Los Angeles' Harvest Crusade with Pastor Greg Laurie, held at Dodger Stadium" on Saturday evening - just one day before the 10th anniversary of 9/11.

TBN Chief of Staff Paul Crouch, Jr. will serve as the host for the event that is slated to premier on TBN's flagship production "Praise The Lord" show on Monday evening and re-airing on Tuesday afternoon. 
Broadcast Schedule: This special "Praise the Lord" hosted by Paul Crouch Jr. will broadcast "The 'Los Angeles' Harvest Crusade at Dodger stadium with Greg Laurie" on Monday at 7 p.m. Pacific Time. The program will re-air on Tuesday at 2 p.m. Pacific Time, and will be archived for 30 days at

"We're honored by the invitation and the opportunity to bring the gospel message of hope and healing to the world as people recall the 10th anniversary of 9/11," Crouch said.  
Laurie, senior pastor of Harvest Christian Fellowship in Riverside, Calif. -- one of the largest churches in the United States -- will address issues of suffering, mortality and forgiveness in a talk entitled, "Why Tragedy?"

"The message of hope that will be presented at the Harvest outreach at Dodger Stadium is for everyone, from gangbangers to corporate CEOs, and from atheists to the devoutly religious," Laurie said. "The message of the gospel is especially appropriate during a weekend that will commemorate the 10th anniversary of 9/11 since it's a weekend when people are reminded of their own mortality and are seeking answers about why terrible things happen in the world."

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Update on Dr. Crouch's Health

Dr. Paul Crouch is doing much better today. Can you imagine! He is 77 years old and works fulltime. He's in the studio every day and just doesn't slow down. His passion is TBN, and fulfilling the call of God on his life. So much so, that he needed to slow down just a tad! He's taken a few days to rest, and build up his strength. Thank you for the hundreds of well wishes that people have been leaving for Dr. Crouch on his Facebook page, and his blogs. ALL these comments will be printed out for him. Thank You, Thank You, Thank You!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Paul Crouch Gives and Update on TBN in Israel

You know that Jan and I have worked, prayed, loved, and gone to the Holy Land over fifty times! Yes, for TBN’s nearly full 38 years we have met with all the prime ministers (except one), pled with them and their ministers of TV and broadcasting for a TV license — to no avail!
But, IN THE FULLNESS OF TIME, GOD! Yes, in a moment I will tell you how our God did it! But first, a glorious prophetic miracle had to be fulfilled. Read it and rejoice for the sons and daughters of Abraham!
“I will restore the fortunes of my people Israel, and they shall rebuild their ruined cities, and live in them again, and they shall plant vineyards and gardens and eat their crops and drink their wine. I will firmly plant them there upon the land that I have given them….” Amos 9:14-15 TLB
And to the many enemies of Israel God gives this warning—
“‘And they shall not be pulled up again,’ says the Lord your God!” Amos 9:15 TLB
Praise God, now we see why we had to wait so long for our TBN miracle: the remnant of God’s people had to return and be in the land so that we can reach them with the glorious truth of their Messiah! And now the final miracle begins!
So, how did God do it?
“O the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable are his judgments, and his ways past finding out!” Romans 11:33 KJV
Who would have dreamed that our Russian network and our Russian brothers would be the key?! As the Jews returned to their homeland, it finally became apparent that a great number, in fact a majority, were coming from Russia. So much so that Russian speaking Jews are now about 25% of the population of Israel! Our brother Igor Nikitin first brought us the news: Russian Israelis want to bring our TBN Russia network into all Israel!
Many of you saw the almost unbelievable miracle as Lia Shemtov, a member of the Israeli Knesset (congress) came to Praise the Lord and presented a historic “thank you” document to TBN! This gracious lady made it clear that she and her government were our friends even though our networks are fully Christian! As negotiations continued, it was decided that a fully functioning TV studio would be desirable so that local LIVE programs could be produced and broadcast. The emphasis would be at first Russian, since they come largely from the Orthodox Christian faith. It was then proposed that perhaps Hebrew sub-titles be added to some programs so that all could understand the message. Finally, since many in Israel understand English, we rejoice that some programs will be broadcast in English since many tell us that it helps them learn this business language of the world.
I could hardly contain my joy as we viewed the awesome dedication celebration last May! Igor Nikitin and a host of Messianic pastors led over 2,000 praising believers thanking God for this great miracle!
Ah, dear partners, say it with me: THE FIG TREE HAS BLOSSOMED — and we grafted in branches are ready to bear precious fruit!
So, now the real work begins. Local live programs must be produced. God willing, as you read this letter, I plan to be in Jerusalem to produce some programs and to be sure that everything is in proper order. I hope to meet with several ministers of government as well as many precious pastors. Please pray for me — at 77 I do not have the same zip that I had at 27! Do I have a witness?
Dear, dear partners: Rejoice with me again as we praise our God for this and the many miracles that we have seen these 38 awesome years!
love you for being a part of this great final voice to the world! We will look for your letter and will be your prayer partner till Jesus comes!